Student Work

We encourage our students to put their liberal arts education into practice by pursuing experiential learning opportunities, especially challenging internships.

These experiences are aimed to help our students become effective practitioners of economic concepts and have a clearer vision of their career path after college.


My Le’25 poses while tabling for the Beloit International Film Festival (BIFF) as an Impact Beloit Community Fellow.

Interning at the Beloit International Film Festival

As a project management intern at the Beloit International Film Festival (BIFF), My Le’25 bridges BIFF and on-campus departments and other organizations to enhance community engagement. 

Taman Azad’27 presenting at the Fall 2024 Beloit and Beyond Conference

Utilizing a Liberal Arts Education for a Unique Perspective in the Marketing World

Taman shares his experience of coming to Beloit College, and how impactful the new experiences have been. He details the advantages of a small college education, and how people can leverage their unique skills from Beloit College in the professional world. 

Aadi Joshi’25 is an intern at the Downtown Beloit Association through the Impact Beloit Community Fellows program.

Impacting Beloit: Aadi’s internship at the Downtown Beloit Association

A native of India, Aaditya Joshi’25 is an Impact Beloit Community Fellow interning with the Downtown Beloit Association (DBA). 

Iftesham Rahman Sami’25 at his internship at Bay Street Advisors in New York.

From Monroe to Manhattan: Sami’s Time with the Boys and Girls Club and Working in Finance

Iftesham Rahman Sami’25 had a busy, but meaningful summer working locally at the Boys & Girls Club and in finance in New York City. 


Farrukh Tojiev’27 will be attending the Expanding Diversity in Economics Program at University of Chicago in Summer 2024.

Two Beloiters Accepted into the Prestigious Expanding Diversity in Economics Program

Sristi Halder’26 and Farrukh Tojiev’27 are among only 45 students across the country who will participate in the Becker Friedman Institute program.

Larry Sullivan with Beloit College faculty members and students

The role of data analytics in business and economics.

Larry Sullivan is a current vice president of enterprise analytics at ABC Supply Co. Inc. and has over four decades of experience in data science. He has worked with renowned companies like Motorola, USG, Quest Software, and ABC Supply. Larry’s passion for technology and economics has driven him to excel.


Beloit holds 38th annual Business Networking Summit

Beloit’s Business Networking Summit (formerly Econ Day) provided students with one-on-one networking opportunities with alumni.  


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